Enneagram 1, type-A as they come...I live for anything sweet, am always in leggings, and would rather spend my day on the back of a horse than just about anywhere else.
I wanted to help the past version of me who struggled to set herself apart in a crowded industry.
When I started wedding planning, I knew what my message was and how I wanted to position my brand. But at that time, I didn’t have the marketing expertise and know-how to make sure it got heard by the right people.
After I left wedding planning, I started teaching myself everything I could when it came to business, marketing, and branding, and I sought out opportunities to learn from the best in my industry to hone my skills.
I continue to push myself to get better every day because I know the better I get, the better the results I can get for my clients. That, and my passion for what I do, keeps me motivated to learn, do, and be more for my clients and myself.
I'm grateful I get to spend every day doing what I love, with clients I love.
Top: My happy place. Left, my children Right: My other happy place
Mollie is a brand messaging strategist and copywriter. She works with entrepreneurs to translate what’s in their heads and hearts into a message that resonates with the people they’re trying to serve so that they can increase their impact on the world as well as their bottom line.
I have been riding horses since I was 5 years old. It's my therapy.
My sense of humor is on par with a 12-year-old boy. #FartJokesMakeMeGiggle
I have seen every episode of Real Housewives ever. Like every franchise.
I may act like an extrovert, but I'm an introvert to my core. I need 3-5 business days of rest after "people-ing" to recharge.
Your at-a-glance guide to where I stand on all the truly important things.
Warm chocolate chip cookies
Visiting an elephant sanctuary
Sundays in bed watching Bravo
Wedding dress designer
The Amalfi coast in Italy
Ice water with a bunch of lemons
My dogs...or pretty much animals in general
Something sweet
Beach. But only at dawn or dusk.