
What to Talk about on Instagram

May 16, 2020

Today I want to talk about a question that I get asked a lot. I feel like a lot of my clients struggle with this one…

“What do I talk about on Instagram?”

There’s a two prong to answer to this one:

1. What do you WANT to talk about?

If you ask me that question, I’ll respond back with “well, what do you wanna talk about?

Let’s say you’re a wedding planner. Maybe you love design and logistics, or you love food or creating a guest experience, THAT’S what you should be talking about. If you’re a coach and you love helping your clients see certain types of successes, talk about that. I love a relationships and talk about that.

A lot of times we feel like we have to fall into a certain category. This does matter, as I’ll talk about below. The first part really is dictated by us. What things do we like, and aren’t going to get sick of talking about?

Again, I go back to the example of wedding planners. Do you love design? Could you talk about it all day? I want you to start to brainstorm a list of things that you love talking about. What do you love talking about?

2. What interests your clients?

Figure out what interests your client. We need to make sure that whatever content we are sharing is relevant or interesting to our clients. We want to help them by giving them knowledge to help them solve their own problems, or by creating awareness around a problem that exists for them.

Get really clear on what your clients are struggling with. What kinds of feelings and emotions are being brought up that struggle? They are coming to you because, they’re looking for something that you can give to them, help them with, or do for them. Talk about that. Get clear about what that actually looks like from a client’s perspective.

This part is your homework. What do you actuallyreally care about, like working with, or like talking about.

If you’re feeling like “I’m not really clear on what my client is struggling with”, or “I need help to come up with a custom content strategy”, reach out to me. I offer 30 minute strategy sessions where I give you a brand audit of your website or your Instagram and we can look at how you’re showing up for your clients. I can give you quick, and easy tips that you can action into your business right away that are really going to improve how you are showing up online.

If you are looking for more support around creating an effective content strategy, reach out to me at

Remember, first think about what you want to talk about. Next to come up with your own plan based on your ideal client’s needs.

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  1. […] make that mistake. Go figure out what you want to say to your audience on Instagram. Based on the Story Brand Frame Work, you need to figure out who your client is, what they’re […]

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