
Where to Put Your Brand Values

January 25, 2018

So chances are you aren’t some big corporate entity that ascribes to a set of brand values like the Ten Commandments. If that’s the case, you might be asking yourself if you even need them. And while I prescribe to the idea that you should only integrate things into your business that align with who you are and how you serve in an authentic way, I would urge you to consider having some brand values.

Think of your brand values like an anchor or a filter. They are the backbone of your company and they should be the lens that all of your messaging and content filters through. When a potential opportunity comes up that you aren’t quite sure about, or you want to change the trajectory of your business but you don’t know how that should look, you can weigh it out according to whether or not these changes align with your values as a brand. This provides a consistent and unique brand presence that allows you to effortlessly pivot as your business grows and changes.

It also lets your potential clients know who you are and what you value which allows them to make sure your values align with theirs. *Hello, connection point!*. It will also help you attract and repel so that you only work with clients who jive with you on a deeper level. (Want to know more about attracting and repelling? Click HERE to find out why you want people saying “Bye Felicia” to your business.)

Ok, I’m in. So what do I do with them?

You don’t specifically put them anywhere. Pardon my French, but no one gives a $h!t enough to read your brand values on your website. #hardtruth. Rather than having a bulleted list with the words “Brand Values” above them, I want you to infuse them throughout all of your messaging. You can most certainly mention them in some of your marketing content, but I think we can be a little more subtle and less “corporate” about it. Unless that’s your brand, in which that case, go on with ya bad self!

Here’s 3 ideas of tangible things you can do with your brand values:

1. Before putting out a post (blog, social media, or otherwise) ask yourself which one of your brand values it aligns with, and how it is serving your clients. If that’s not abundantly clear, it’s time to tweak your content so it’s more in line with your brand.

2. We all struggle coming up with Instagram captions (tell me I’m not alone!) so think about referencing your values in your captions. They can be a great starting point for inspiration about what would serve your clients and your brand. You can even come right out and say, “This is one of the values of my brand/business.” For example, if one of your core values is “following your own rules,” then say that and write out what your top 3 rules to live by. Then take it a step further with a call to action for your clients to do the same. Getting your audience to respond to your smaller calls to action will help when you’re actually asking them to get out their wallets. 

3. You can also highlight your clients by describing how they exemplify each of your values. Clients love feeling special. How awesome would it feel if someone wrote a blog post about you where they detailed how you were the embodiment of courage and making things happen in your business, because that was one of their brand values? If that’s a value you share with them, it’s going to be pretty big compliment to be featured. This will not only resonate with your current clients and help turn them into raving fans, but it will help attract other potential clients who are on the same page.

In closing, I hope you’re able to see the value in having brand values. Ha! See what I did there?! And if not, that’s ok too. You probably just value NOT having brand values and that’s ok too. Ok, ok, I’m done being so punny!

Thanks for reading,






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