3 Instagram Posts to Think About

- Who is our ideal client?
- What do they want?
- What are they struggling with?
- How we’re helping them?
- How are they feeling.
Me Posts
- How we’re helping our clients from our perspective.
- The way we view their problem
- How we can help them solve their problem?
A big piece of this is our process. That’s really your unique selling point. It’s what makes you different. There are so many coaches, photographers and wedding planners out there. What makes you different is your process, how you approach it and how you make that process easier for your clients. The small things that you do to make them feel special are what will really make a difference for your ideal clients. That’s what’s going to resonate with them.
Whether it’s just a buying process if you’re selling products, or it’s a service process that you lead them through, you need to be mindful of a few things. It’s really really important that you are speaking about things in a way that your clients understand. When they can quickly and easily see what’s involved in working with you and how things will look like for them, they’re more likely to invest their money with you. If you want more details about process posts, you’ll want to head over here.
Us Posts
These are about the things you are going to help your clients with.
- What are the benefits of working with you?
- How can they expect things to change for them if they work with you?
- What will things look like for them when you’re working together?
Here’s a quick recap of the three types of posts discussed.
You – These talk about who your ideal client is and that you really understand them.
Me – These let your audience know that you understand them while also talking about what makes you special and unique. They also cover your process.
Us – What you can do together and why your client is going to want to work with you.
The idea is to talk about the “before” and “after”. Before is when your client is coming to you. After is talking about the transformation from working with you.
This “you, me and us” model of makes sure that your messaging is addressing all three of those perspective and make you have a really well-rounded message. It will help you keep it simple, but also make sure you’re not missing any key points that are going to attract your ideal clients.
If you are looking for more support around creating an effective content strategy, reach out to me at https://brandedwithapurpose.com/contact. I offer free 30-min strategy sessions. I’ll give you an audit of your brand. You’ll get feedback on exactly where your online presence is lacking. You’ll get takeaways you can implement immediately! Start feeling confident about how you’re showing up in the online space!