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The BWAP Blog

This is where I share the latest marketing tips and tricks that garnering serious results for me and my clients. Plus, I share my favorite branding and business insights, and more! 

I take everything I learn, and share the best bits with you! 

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3 Most Useful Pieces of Brand Messaging You Have

Today I want to share the three most useful pieces of brand messaging that every online entrepreneur should have in their arsenal and how to use them. While there’s obviously more pieces of copy that are necessary to your business than just these three, I find that these are the ones that are used the […]

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The title of this post is true, branding and copy do go together like peanut butter and jelly. Or chocolate and peanut butter, or really peanut butter and…anything!  So what are talking about here? For the purposes of this post: When I say “branding”, I’m referring to the visual branding aspects that most people think […]

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Today I want to talk about a common misconception a lot of people have when it comes to creating clients. If there’s one golden rule for client nurturing and creation it’s this: First of all, no one likes to be sold to. When we feel like that is happening to us, we kind of go […]

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Today I wanted to share the biggest thing I do in order to ward off that, “Please don’t make me blog!” feeling. My secret for overcoming blog-phobia is to break all the steps down into a workflow template. A few weeks ago on Insta I shared a sneak peek at my blogging template and people […]

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Today we’re talking about how to include “brand elements” into your brand strategy. I’m going to tell you what they are and why they’re important, as well as how to come up with and use them to help your audience fall in love with the magic that is YOU! What are brand elements? I think […]

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So I should probably just come clean right from the get-go and say that the title of this post “How To Write The Perfect Blog Post”, is a pretty substantial claim. Blogging (and writing in general) is such a subjective art that writing the *perfect* blog post is a pretty elusive feat. For example, some […]

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Today we’re going to talk about testimonials! Testimonials are one of the most important factors that play into your client’s decision to hire you. That being said, if your testimonials don’t give your potential clients anything to connect with, then you’re not utilizing them effectively. Never fear, there’s a couple of things you can do […]

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Today I’m going to get a little deep with you and talk about something that has plagued me most of my life: always picking the safe path–oftentimes at the expense of what I actually want. I’ve come to the realization over the past year or so that I’m kind of a chicken. I’ve always played […]

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You may or may not be familiar with the hashtag #TLDR. If you’re not, allow me to introduce you to the most useful 4 letters you’ve heard since F–…ahhhh I almost had you there, didn’t I?  So what exactly does #TLDR mean? I’m sure this sounds familiar to you… You’re scrolling along reading a facebook […]

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Today let’s talk about my two fav things: copy and branding. When it comes to your copy and branding lots of entrepreneurs are tempted to use their brand copy to tell their potential clients about all of the amazing things that they’ve done, the countless awards that they’ve won, and why they are the best […]

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If you're a business looking for help crafting an irresistible message to attract your ideal clients, I'm your girl! 


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I went from being a high school biology teacher to a wedding planner and now a coach. It's been quite the journey, but I wouldn't trade it for the world.

Everything we go through helps shape us (and our businesses!), and that couldn't be more true about my crazy journey. Want to learn more about why I'm so passionate about helping entrepreneurs like you?

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